Thanks to your dedication and vision for Scouting, 2017 stands as the high water mark for major gifts impact for the Boy Scouts of America. You have responded mightily to the Growing Future Leaders campaign by giving over $55,000,000 in new, outright and deferred gifts in 2017.
After all, it’s Because of You… Scouts received over $1,000,000 in scholarships, camps were rebuilt after devastating hurricanes, and thousands of youth had the trip of a lifetime to the BSA National Jamboree.
In addition to raising funds, much work has been done to create effective partnerships with local councils. The Foundation worked with 49 councils in 2017 and those councils are seeing tangible impact from the partnership. With momentum from the Growing Future Leaders Campaign, over $38,000,000 in new gifts were raised for Foundation partner councils.
How can your local council partner with the Foundation?

Kids who grow up in Scouting try new experiences. Whether it’s scuba diving, rafting or rock climbing, kids find the outdoor adventure they seek at any of Scouting’s over 400 outdoor properties. As a double bonus, parents know that in each of these amazing outdoor settings, their kids are pushing beyond their comfort zones and building self-confidence and character.
Did you know that in 2017, you gave over $5 million in capital funds to directly improve and maintain Scouting’s amazing outdoor properties? Climbing walls were built, dining halls refurbished. Because of You… Scouts have new and improved places to camp, eat and explore.

Big gifts build big fun! Families attending Bear Creek Scout Reservation outside of San Antonio, Texas know this first hand. Dedicated Scouters, Merrikay and Alan Compton stepped in at the right time with the resources to grow outdoor adventure at Bear Creek. Soon after Alan and Merrikay had created a donor advised fund at the Foundation, a unique opportunity presented itself to expand the adventure offerings at their favorite camp. They were able to respond quickly to the Alamo Area Council’s request with the needed funds. Within just a few weeks, boys and girls had a fantastic new way to share in the Compton’s favorite outdoor passion. Watch the video to find out what the Comptons built.

July 2017– Tens of thousands of kids from around the world gathered at Scouting’s premier high adventure base in West Virginia, the Summit Bechtel Reserve, for the BSA National Jamboree. They expected to mountain bike, zip-line, and have other high adventure fun. They did not expect to program drones, launch a satellite, build robots, and program micro-processors.
Because of You… 5,000 kids took home more than a patch from the 2017 BSA National Jamboree. They took home skills they will use to inspire their futures. From thousands of hours volunteered by tech professionals, to key corporate partners, for ten days you created a high-tech learning experience in the mountains of West Virginia- the Cognizant Makerspace.
Where else could a kid be encouraged to take apart a computer…with a hammer? Project-based learning came to life at the Jamboree as kids deconstructed computers and collaborated to create unique problem-solving projects from everyday materials. Twelve different STEM-related maker activities captivated young imaginations and kept the Makerspace buzzing from sunrise to sunset.

At the 2017 BSA National Jamboree, The Cognizant Makerspace took a grassy field and turned it into a high-tech, innovative learning space. Boys and girls chose to spend hours tinkering, inventing and problem-solving. Kids were able to use cutting-edge tools to bring their creations to life. Without knowing it, they mastered the concepts of an innovative approach, maker strategy and design thinking. And they thought they were just earning the Jamboree Makerspace patch!

From Harvey to Irma to Maria… the 2017 Hurricane season was one of the most active on record, with 16 hurricanes. When the storms had passed, Scouts from across the country sprang into action to respond to the needs in their own communities and those thousands of miles away.
“Shortly after the Hurricane, our job was to help others, we as Scouts were prepared to do so. The financial assistance we received was crucial for us to be able to serve in any way we could.” – Maria Molinelli, Scout Executive | Puerto Rico Council
After Hurricane Maria, The Order of the Arrow mobilized to assist with rebuilding in Puerto Rico. A hundred Arrowmen traveled to the ravaged island to lend their muscle, sweat, and encouragement. National Executive Board member, Joe Landy and his wife Mary helped fund the massive service project through a donor advised fund at the Foundation. Funds were deployed quickly and strategically to jump-start Scouting’s recovery in Puerto Rico.
Scouting is always prepared to serve communities in need, especially in times of crisis. Because of you, the right support came at the right time to help two Scout camps devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Camp Sawyer in South Florida and Guajataka Scout Reservation in Puerto Rico lost buildings, campsites, roofs, and trails, but not their Scouting spirit. Though 1000 miles apart, the mission remained the same-get our camps ready for summer.
Dedicated Scouters and Second Century Society members, Tom Bales and Connie Ryan visited Camp Sawyer and were immediately moved by the Irma’s destruction. Tom and Connie immediately donated $100,000 to serve as a lead gift to rebuild South Florida Council’s tranquil camp in the Keys.

New Revenue in 2017
Because of You, the Foundation distributed over $5 million from your donors advised funds in 2017. This was immediate revenue local councils used for camperships, capital maintenance, STEM programs, and disaster relief.
In 2017, you created over $33,649,540 in new endowments through the BSA Foundation. The best news? Approximately $1,700,000 will be distributed this year and every year after! When you create an endowment, you are impacting Scouting both now and in the future.
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© 2018 BSA National Foundation